Our Clubs
CIROS offers a broad range of clubs through which you can find like-minded individuals who share your interest.
Do you have a hobby that currently isn't covered by one of the clubs. Consider setting up your own club within CIROS. Check out our Policy Manual for further details.

A club with sustainability in mind, Readcycle organises 2nd hand book sales (including textbooks) and donates the profits to a school in Ghana.
Club Head: Line

South East and South Asia
Do you come from the South East and South Asia region? Are you interested in the culture of that region? Join the club to further explore this!.
Club Head: Hansika

Board Games Club
Coming together to play board games is one of the best way to relax from university. By joining you can play our board games as well as contributing with your own.
Club Head: Petra

African Politics Club
Although the topic is not at the forefront of our programme, running a club about African Politics would create a powerful forum for discussion.
Club Head: Mael

Latin American Club
The ideal place to meet people of similar backgrounds and feel right at home through various events with a concentration on Latin American culture!
Club Head: Evanee

Med. and Middle East Club
Whether its through food, music or just a social gathering, this club can bring together lots of students originating or with an interest in this region.
Club Head: Filip

Fair Fashion Club
Combining sustainability with creativity, this club has the potential to do a great deal of good whilst organising fun events, such as the Annual Fashion Show!
Club Head: Eshita

Debate Club
This club is the perfect place for those who wnt to apply their knowledge and pick up some valuable skills. From skills labs to fiery debates, this club has lots of potential.
Club Head: Raphael

Photography Club
This club is the perfect place for those who love taking pictures or want to learn more about it!
Club Head: Olivia

CIROS Mag Club
This club leads the creation of our magazine, CIROS Mag. Join if you would like to write, edit and design a magazine!
Club Head: Melissa